Local Business & Humanitarian Networking
Judy Center
Judy Center’s goal is to improve school readiness through early intervention, provide comprehensive services to families, & to support programs in the community that serve young children & their families. Judy Centers assure high quality early care.
71% of Kent Judy Center children are FARM students (free and reduced meals). This is the indicator for children living in poverty. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all facets of formal education.
Our Judy Center provides books to children ages 0- 5 to build home libraries.

Teacher with children at the Judy Center
CoLaborers International
CoLaborers International is a local nonprofit that assists international efforts to indigenous led community groups in Zambia and India reaching street children, orphans and widows.
Rotary's Literacy committee has come alongside their efforts in the past to help with providing literacy materials, teaching materials and scholarships for street children to go to boarding school.
The Chestertown Rotary Club has been most involved with CoLaborers International's assistance to Chisomo.
Chisomo is a Zambian-led effort to children living on the streets of Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. An average of 30 youth are daily reached with food, care, hygiene, education, mentoring, sports and vocational training through Chisomo's drop-in center and sleep-over facility. Street children are reconnected with family members and reintegrated into homes. Families are taught income generating activities so they are able to provide adequate care. Youth that cannot be placed in homes are put into boarding school to receive housing and education. Prevention efforts are undertaken in at-risk communities to support education of children, form self help groups and provide recreational outlets.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoLaborersInternational
Website: http://colaborersinternational.com/

Zambian student studying